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- Document5
- Image260
- Contributing Institution...
- Arizona Historical Society Library and Archives 4
- Arizona Historical Society Library and Archives 1
- City of Williams Public Library 11
- Mohave Museum of History and Arts 9
- National Park Service 1
- Northern Arizona University, Cline Library 2
- Old Trails Museum / Winslow Historical Society 3
- State Archives- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records 229
- Collection...
- Arizona State Archives Historic Photographs 229
- Colorado Plateau Digital Archives Selections 2
- J.W. Hoover Lantern Slide Collection 4
- Mohave Museum - History of Transportation in Mohave County 9
- Old Trails Museum Collection Highlights 3
- Petrified Forest Historic Photographs 1
- This Day in Arizona History 1
- Williams, Arizona Historic Photo Collection 11
- Creator...
- Arizona Highway Department 30
- Glenn Johnson 1
- Hoffman 17
- Housholder 1
- Josef Muench 2
- Klenzman 1
- Shaffer 5
- Studio...
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- Geographic Feature...
- Black Mountains 2
- Colorado River 1
- Cool Spring 1
- Cottonwood Wash 1
- Garland Prairie Vista 2
- Grand Canyon National Park 2
- Leroux Wash 4
- Padre Canyon 2
- Painted Desert 2
- Petrified Forest National Park 1
- Pittman Interchange 1
- Puerco River 2
- Truxton Canyon 1
- Truxton Canyon Indian School 1
- Walnut Canyon 1
- Walnut Canyon National Monument 1
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- Apache County 21
- Coconino County 126
- Gila County 2
- Graham County 1
- Maricopa County 8
- Mohave County 38
- Navajo County 36
- Pinal County 1
- Yavapai County 23
- Contributing Institution...
- Map70
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- Ash Fork 4
- Athos 2
- Bellemont 1
- Chambers 2
- Cheto 2
- Chino 2
- Cosnino 1
- Crookton 1
- Dennison 2
- Flagstaff 3
- Fort Defiance 2
- Franconia 3
- Gallup 4
- Getz 2
- Griffith 2
- Kingman 4
- Lupton 2
- Manuelito 1
- Mazda 1
- McConnico 5
- McLellan 1
- Moqui 2
- Navajo 1
- Nevin 1
- Pan 1
- Pineveta 2
- Powell 2
- Riordan 1
- Seligman 1
- Sereno 1
- Topock 5
- Williams 1
- Yucca 2
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- Public Land Survey System (PLSS)...
- T14N, R20W 1
- T15N, R18W 1
- Agency...
- Object2
- Place6
- City or Town...
- Winslow 1
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- Feature Class...
- Civil 1
- Lodging 1
- Populated Place 4
- City or Town...
- Video2
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