The Fort Apache Scout
The Fort Apache Scout, the official newspaper of the White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, began publication in June 1962 offering tribal members news and information about the community. The newspaper was published in Whiteriver, Arizona, and initially appeared once a month, with an annual subscription of $1 and varying in length from four to twelve pages. The first issue included an editorial from Lester Oliver, Chairman of the White Mountain Apache Tribal Council: “In the Council rooms in Whiteriver, we are separate from many of you by distance, high mountains and deep canyons. In order that we may communicate to you the progress that we are making for our tribe and give you first hand information on our plans and developments, we will be sending you our Scout each month. We urge you to invite our messenger into your homes…” Wade Cavanaugh, who had been a reporter and photographer for the Arizona Republic [LCCN: sn 83045137], was the newspaper’s editor in its first few years, with a Publications Committee that included Oliver and other Tribal Council members.
The newspaper often included messages from the tribal council chairman, and articles frequently detailed events led by the tribal council. The Scout focused on community news. In its second issue, the newspaper stated: “To us, the news of events at Carrizo, East Fork, Canyon Day, 7-Mile and other Reservation communities are more important than events in New York, London, Moscow or Chicago.” It reported on items of importance to the tribe, from local elections, to forest fires and local firefighters, from tribal fairs and the rodeo, to the development of the Hawley Lake Project that included a lodge and ski resort. The paper had letters to the editor, a school news section, news on community businesses, and cartoons. Advertisements in the newspaper often centered on outdoor activities like fishing, lakes, and tourist ventures, though the paper did include political advertisements during election seasons. Later editions included frequent photo essays.
The Fort Apache Scout continued as a monthly publication until September 1976, when it became a bimonthly paper. It then became a biweekly starting in January 1988 and continues to publish at that frequency today.
Essay provided by University of Arizona Libraries
Dates of Publication1962-1963Frequency of PublicationBi-weeklyPlace of PublicationWhiteriver, ArizonaLanguageEnglishPermissions and ReuseThe contents of the Arizona Digital Newspaper Program (ADNP) are available to the public by our partners for using in research, teaching, and private study. Please note that U.S. Copyright and intellectual property laws apply to the digital resources made available through this site.