Collection SearchContributing InstitutionState of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public RecordsCollection Summary
The Arizona Legislative Bill Files collection includes the documents generated during the legislative process in the Arizona House of Representatives and the Arizona Senate. Bill files typically include various versions of each bill as it moved through the Legislature, adopted amendments, and votes. Often they include proposed amendments that were not adopted, summaries prepared by nonpartisan committee staff, the members of a conference committee and their recommended amendment, and the Governor’s veto messages.
Because the documents in the bill file show changes made to the text of the bills, they can be helpful in interpreting legislative intent, discerning issues of interest to the legislators, and understanding the context of the time period in which the legislation was enacted.
Starting in 1997, documents produced during the legislative process can be found on the Legislature’s website.
This collection reflects the years prior to 1997. It is organized by legislative session, legislative chamber, and bill number. Researchers can find the bill number in the heading of the Session Law of the enacted bill.
LanguageEnglishPermissions and ReuseCopyright to this resource is held by the creating agency and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be downloaded, reproduced or distributed in any format without written permission of the creating agency. Any attempt to circumvent the access controls placed on this file is a violation of United States and international copyright laws, and is subject to criminal prosecution.